New Online Platform for Young Smart Cities Project Launched

by Manuela Bubenzer


The new Young Smart Cities platform is now online for the partners to engage in and draft content for!  

This innovative portal now hosts the first set of Smart City didactic material on the topic "Greening the City". This includes five Knowledge Pills: one on Smart Cities, one on Urban Planning, and three on Greening Cities, one Learning Situation and one Lesson Plan. Partner schools are currently engaging with this content as part of their preparatory activities.

Screenshot: Young Smart Cities platform
Screenshot: Young Smart Cities platform

We look forward to gathering in Florence in early March, where participants will not only deepen their understanding of the topics and explore collaborative working methods but also present the themes they have chosen to work on in their respective cities. 

Stay tuned for updates and join us in shaping the future of smart, sustainable urban living!

Link to the new portal:


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