Abtei-Gymnasium Brauweiler (AGB)

The Abtei-Gymnasium Brauweiler (AGB) is a secondary school founded in 1974 in Pulheim-Brauweiler, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The school earned the title of Europaschule in November 2010 and introduced a bilingual program with English starting from the school year 2012/13, allowing students to choose between French and Latin as their second foreign language. Additionally, Spanish is offered in the upper grades and as a differentiation area. The school engages students in "KulTour classes", emphasizing project-based learning in collaboration with external experts in various fields, including performing arts, theater pedagogy, and photography. The school also places a strong emphasis on music, offering diverse musical activities such as a brass band. The institution actively participates in student exchanges with schools in several countries, including France, Spain, Italy, Poland and the Netherlands, fostering a European perspective among its students. Students' efforts to live and act more sustainably were expressed in the founding of the extracurricular group "AGB for future".
The Abtei-Gymnasium Brauweiler actively contributes to the Young Smart Cities initiative in various capacities. This includes identifying knowledge and skills gaps through surveys, creating "knowledge pills" for the YSC platform on NetZero and Smart Cities, and collaborating on case studies with associate partners. The school provides content for the Young Smart Cities Magazine, produces material for global events, and engages in the pilot phase of platform development. It also plays a role in aligning content with national curricula and testing training programs. The school contributes to the communication strategy, shares real experiences for a best practice publication, organizes national events, and seeks to engage local partners in Pulheim to take part in combined efforts of Smart City design.
Your local contact:
Coordinator: Andreas Georg
Further information can be found on the homepage of Abtei-Gymnasium Brauweiler: